Understanding HTTP Request Methods & Verbs


Ananya Dewan


Sep 26, 2024

Sep 26, 2024

HTTP request methods and verbs, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE
HTTP request methods and verbs, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE
HTTP request methods and verbs, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE


Ever wondered how your favorite apps and websites talk to servers behind the scenes? Enter HTTP request methods – the unsung heroes of the internet! These nifty little commands are like the secret language that web browsers and servers use to chat with each other.

Think of HTTP methods as different ways to knock on a server's door. Sometimes you're just asking for information (like when you're window shopping online), and other times you're sending data (like when you're filling out a form). Each method has its own special way of doing things.

Why should you care about these technical-sounding terms? Well, if you're a web developer or aspiring to be one, understanding HTTP methods is like learning the ABCs of web communication. It's the foundation for building robust and efficient web applications and RESTful APIs – the backbone of modern web services.

But don't worry if you're not a tech wizard! Even if you're just curious about how the web works, getting to know these methods will give you a cool behind-the-scenes look at the internet magic happening every time you click a button or load a page.

In this blog post, we'll break down the most common HTTP methods in plain English. We'll explore what they do, when to use them, and why they're important. By the end, you'll have a solid grasp of these essential web building blocks – and maybe even impress your tech-savvy friends at your next trivia night!

Ever wondered how your favorite apps and websites talk to servers behind the scenes? Enter HTTP request methods – the unsung heroes of the internet! These nifty little commands are like the secret language that web browsers and servers use to chat with each other.

Think of HTTP methods as different ways to knock on a server's door. Sometimes you're just asking for information (like when you're window shopping online), and other times you're sending data (like when you're filling out a form). Each method has its own special way of doing things.

Why should you care about these technical-sounding terms? Well, if you're a web developer or aspiring to be one, understanding HTTP methods is like learning the ABCs of web communication. It's the foundation for building robust and efficient web applications and RESTful APIs – the backbone of modern web services.

But don't worry if you're not a tech wizard! Even if you're just curious about how the web works, getting to know these methods will give you a cool behind-the-scenes look at the internet magic happening every time you click a button or load a page.

In this blog post, we'll break down the most common HTTP methods in plain English. We'll explore what they do, when to use them, and why they're important. By the end, you'll have a solid grasp of these essential web building blocks – and maybe even impress your tech-savvy friends at your next trivia night!

Common HTTP Methods

Now that we've set the stage, let's dive into the most common HTTP methods you'll encounter in the wild world of web development. Think of these as the basic moves in your web communication dance routine!

A. GET: The Window Shopper

Purpose: GET is all about fetching data from the server. It's like window shopping online – you're just looking, not buying (or changing anything).

What can you GET? Almost anything! Webpages, images, videos, JSON data, or even a simple text file. If it's on the server, you can probably GET it.

Fun fact: GET is considered "safe" and "idempotent." In plain English, this means it shouldn't change anything on the server, and you can use it over and over with the same result. It's like repeatedly checking your watch – the time might change, but you're not affecting it by looking.

B. POST: The Form Filler

Purpose: POST is for sending data to the server for processing. Think of it as filling out an online form and hitting submit.

What can you POST? All sorts of things! Form data, JSON or XML info, or even just some plain text. It's perfect for tasks like posting a message on a forum or saving data to a database.

Here's the catch: POST isn't considered safe or idempotent. Why? Because each time you POST, you might be changing something on the server. It's like dropping a letter in a mailbox – once it's in, you can't take it back!

C. PUT: The Replacer

Purpose: PUT is used to completely replace a resource at a specific URL. It's like swapping out an entire file on your computer.

Rules of the game:

  1. Always include a full payload of what you want the new resource to be.

  2. Use the exact URL of the resource you're updating.

PUT is idempotent but not safe. In other words, you can do it multiple times and end up with the same result, but you're definitely changing something on the server.

D. DELETE: The Eraser

Purpose: As the name suggests, DELETE removes a resource from the server. It's like using the eraser tool in your favorite drawing app.

DELETE is idempotent (you can't delete something that's already gone), but it's definitely not safe – you're changing the server's state by removing something.

E. PATCH: The Efficient Editor

Purpose: PATCH allows you to update just part of an existing resource. It's like editing a specific paragraph in a document instead of rewriting the whole thing.

Why use PATCH? It's super efficient, especially for large resources. Imagine you have a massive user profile, and you just want to update the email address. With PATCH, you can send just that tiny bit of new info, saving time and bandwidth.

And there you have it – the fab five of HTTP methods! Each has its own superpower, and knowing when to use which one is key to building efficient and effective web applications.

Now that we've set the stage, let's dive into the most common HTTP methods you'll encounter in the wild world of web development. Think of these as the basic moves in your web communication dance routine!

A. GET: The Window Shopper

Purpose: GET is all about fetching data from the server. It's like window shopping online – you're just looking, not buying (or changing anything).

What can you GET? Almost anything! Webpages, images, videos, JSON data, or even a simple text file. If it's on the server, you can probably GET it.

Fun fact: GET is considered "safe" and "idempotent." In plain English, this means it shouldn't change anything on the server, and you can use it over and over with the same result. It's like repeatedly checking your watch – the time might change, but you're not affecting it by looking.

B. POST: The Form Filler

Purpose: POST is for sending data to the server for processing. Think of it as filling out an online form and hitting submit.

What can you POST? All sorts of things! Form data, JSON or XML info, or even just some plain text. It's perfect for tasks like posting a message on a forum or saving data to a database.

Here's the catch: POST isn't considered safe or idempotent. Why? Because each time you POST, you might be changing something on the server. It's like dropping a letter in a mailbox – once it's in, you can't take it back!

C. PUT: The Replacer

Purpose: PUT is used to completely replace a resource at a specific URL. It's like swapping out an entire file on your computer.

Rules of the game:

  1. Always include a full payload of what you want the new resource to be.

  2. Use the exact URL of the resource you're updating.

PUT is idempotent but not safe. In other words, you can do it multiple times and end up with the same result, but you're definitely changing something on the server.

D. DELETE: The Eraser

Purpose: As the name suggests, DELETE removes a resource from the server. It's like using the eraser tool in your favorite drawing app.

DELETE is idempotent (you can't delete something that's already gone), but it's definitely not safe – you're changing the server's state by removing something.

E. PATCH: The Efficient Editor

Purpose: PATCH allows you to update just part of an existing resource. It's like editing a specific paragraph in a document instead of rewriting the whole thing.

Why use PATCH? It's super efficient, especially for large resources. Imagine you have a massive user profile, and you just want to update the email address. With PATCH, you can send just that tiny bit of new info, saving time and bandwidth.

And there you have it – the fab five of HTTP methods! Each has its own superpower, and knowing when to use which one is key to building efficient and effective web applications.

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Less Common HTTP Methods

Now that we've covered the all-stars of HTTP methods, let's take a quick tour of some of the backup dancers. These methods might not get as much spotlight, but they've got some pretty cool moves of their own!

HEAD: The Peek-a-Boo Player

Imagine if you could check what's inside a gift-wrapped present without actually opening it. That's basically what HEAD does! It fetches all the metadata about a resource without actually downloading the resource itself. Super handy when you just want to know things like file size or when a webpage was last updated.

OPTIONS: The Friendly Doorman

OPTIONS is like the helpful concierge at a fancy hotel. It tells you what you're allowed to do with a particular resource. Want to know if you can POST to a certain URL? OPTIONS will give you the lowdown on which HTTP methods are welcome at that particular address.

TRACE: The Echo Chamber

TRACE is the diagnostic tool of HTTP methods. It's like shouting "Echo!" in a cave – it sends a message to the server and then returns exactly what it received. This can be super useful for debugging, especially when you're trying to figure out if any intermediate servers are messing with your requests.

CONNECT: The Secret Tunnel Builder

Last but not least, we have CONNECT. This method is a bit of a special case, mostly used for setting up secure connections through proxy servers. Think of it as digging a secret tunnel to your destination when you can't just walk straight there. It's not something you'll use every day, but it's crucial for certain security scenarios.

And there you have it – the supporting cast of HTTP methods! While you might not use these as often as their more famous cousins (GET, POST, etc.), knowing they exist can make you feel like a true HTTP methods maestro. Plus, you never know when one of these might save the day in a tricky development situation!

Now that we've covered the all-stars of HTTP methods, let's take a quick tour of some of the backup dancers. These methods might not get as much spotlight, but they've got some pretty cool moves of their own!

HEAD: The Peek-a-Boo Player

Imagine if you could check what's inside a gift-wrapped present without actually opening it. That's basically what HEAD does! It fetches all the metadata about a resource without actually downloading the resource itself. Super handy when you just want to know things like file size or when a webpage was last updated.

OPTIONS: The Friendly Doorman

OPTIONS is like the helpful concierge at a fancy hotel. It tells you what you're allowed to do with a particular resource. Want to know if you can POST to a certain URL? OPTIONS will give you the lowdown on which HTTP methods are welcome at that particular address.

TRACE: The Echo Chamber

TRACE is the diagnostic tool of HTTP methods. It's like shouting "Echo!" in a cave – it sends a message to the server and then returns exactly what it received. This can be super useful for debugging, especially when you're trying to figure out if any intermediate servers are messing with your requests.

CONNECT: The Secret Tunnel Builder

Last but not least, we have CONNECT. This method is a bit of a special case, mostly used for setting up secure connections through proxy servers. Think of it as digging a secret tunnel to your destination when you can't just walk straight there. It's not something you'll use every day, but it's crucial for certain security scenarios.

And there you have it – the supporting cast of HTTP methods! While you might not use these as often as their more famous cousins (GET, POST, etc.), knowing they exist can make you feel like a true HTTP methods maestro. Plus, you never know when one of these might save the day in a tricky development situation!

Safety and Idempotency

Alright, let's dive into the world of safety and idempotency. Don't worry, we're not going to get too technical here. Think of these as the personality traits of our HTTP method friends!

Safe vs. Unsafe Methods: The "Look, Don't Touch" Rule

Safe methods are like well-behaved museum visitors. They look at the exhibits (or in our case, server resources) but don't touch or change anything. GET and HEAD are prime examples of safe methods. They're all about retrieving information without altering the server's state.

Unsafe methods, on the other hand, are like the interactive exhibits at a science museum. They can potentially change things on the server. POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH fall into this category. When you use these, you're telling the server, "Hey, I want to make some changes around here!"

Idempotent vs. Non-Idempotent Methods: The "Repeatable" Factor

Now, let's talk about idempotency. Imagine pressing an elevator button. Whether you press it once or a hundred times, the result is the same – the elevator comes to your floor. That's idempotency in action!

Idempotent methods in HTTP work similarly. You can repeat them multiple times, and the end result will be the same as if you'd only done it once. GET, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD are idempotent. For example, if you DELETE a resource and then try to DELETE it again, the end result is the same – the resource is gone.

Non-idempotent methods, like POST, are more like playing a slot machine. Each time you pull the lever (or in this case, send a request), you might get a different result.

Here's a handy table to summarize the safety and idempotency of common HTTP methods:

safety and idempotency of common HTTP methods

Alright, let's dive into the world of safety and idempotency. Don't worry, we're not going to get too technical here. Think of these as the personality traits of our HTTP method friends!

Safe vs. Unsafe Methods: The "Look, Don't Touch" Rule

Safe methods are like well-behaved museum visitors. They look at the exhibits (or in our case, server resources) but don't touch or change anything. GET and HEAD are prime examples of safe methods. They're all about retrieving information without altering the server's state.

Unsafe methods, on the other hand, are like the interactive exhibits at a science museum. They can potentially change things on the server. POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH fall into this category. When you use these, you're telling the server, "Hey, I want to make some changes around here!"

Idempotent vs. Non-Idempotent Methods: The "Repeatable" Factor

Now, let's talk about idempotency. Imagine pressing an elevator button. Whether you press it once or a hundred times, the result is the same – the elevator comes to your floor. That's idempotency in action!

Idempotent methods in HTTP work similarly. You can repeat them multiple times, and the end result will be the same as if you'd only done it once. GET, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD are idempotent. For example, if you DELETE a resource and then try to DELETE it again, the end result is the same – the resource is gone.

Non-idempotent methods, like POST, are more like playing a slot machine. Each time you pull the lever (or in this case, send a request), you might get a different result.

Here's a handy table to summarize the safety and idempotency of common HTTP methods:

safety and idempotency of common HTTP methods

HTTP Methods in RESTful API Design

Now that we've got the basics down, let's talk about how these HTTP methods play a starring role in RESTful API design.

Most Commonly Used Methods in RESTful APIs

In the world of RESTful APIs, certain HTTP methods are like the popular kids in school. They're everywhere! The most common ones you'll encounter are:

  1. GET: For retrieving resources

  2. POST: For creating new resources

  3. PUT: For updating resources by replacing them entirely

  4. DELETE: For removing resources

  5. PATCH: For partial updates to resources

These five methods form the backbone of most RESTful APIs. They align nicely with the CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) that are fundamental to many applications.

Importance of Choosing the Right Method

Picking the right HTTP method for each operation in your API is like choosing the right tool for a job. Sure, you could probably hammer in a screw, but using a screwdriver is going to work a lot better!

Using the appropriate HTTP method for each operation in your API:

  1. Makes your API more intuitive for other developers to use

  2. Follows RESTful principles, which are widely understood in the developer community

  3. Allows for better optimization and caching strategies

  4. Improves the overall design and maintainability of your API

For example, if you're fetching data, use GET. If you're creating a new resource, use POST. Updating an entire resource? That's a job for PUT. Need to make a small change? PATCH is your friend. And when it's time to remove something, DELETE is the way to go.

By choosing the right method, you're not just following best practices – you're making life easier for yourself and for any developers who might use your API in the future. It's like leaving a well-organized toolbox for the next person who comes along!

Now that we've got the basics down, let's talk about how these HTTP methods play a starring role in RESTful API design.

Most Commonly Used Methods in RESTful APIs

In the world of RESTful APIs, certain HTTP methods are like the popular kids in school. They're everywhere! The most common ones you'll encounter are:

  1. GET: For retrieving resources

  2. POST: For creating new resources

  3. PUT: For updating resources by replacing them entirely

  4. DELETE: For removing resources

  5. PATCH: For partial updates to resources

These five methods form the backbone of most RESTful APIs. They align nicely with the CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) that are fundamental to many applications.

Importance of Choosing the Right Method

Picking the right HTTP method for each operation in your API is like choosing the right tool for a job. Sure, you could probably hammer in a screw, but using a screwdriver is going to work a lot better!

Using the appropriate HTTP method for each operation in your API:

  1. Makes your API more intuitive for other developers to use

  2. Follows RESTful principles, which are widely understood in the developer community

  3. Allows for better optimization and caching strategies

  4. Improves the overall design and maintainability of your API

For example, if you're fetching data, use GET. If you're creating a new resource, use POST. Updating an entire resource? That's a job for PUT. Need to make a small change? PATCH is your friend. And when it's time to remove something, DELETE is the way to go.

By choosing the right method, you're not just following best practices – you're making life easier for yourself and for any developers who might use your API in the future. It's like leaving a well-organized toolbox for the next person who comes along!


And there you have it – a whirlwind tour of HTTP methods! From the common GET and POST to the less-known HEAD and OPTIONS, these methods are the secret sauce that makes the web work. Understanding them is key to building efficient, well-designed web applications and APIs.

Remember, each method has its own superpower, whether it's safely fetching data or efficiently updating resources. By choosing the right method for each task, you're not just following best practices – you're speaking the language of the web fluently.

So next time you click a button or submit a form online, you'll know exactly what's happening behind the scenes.

And there you have it – a whirlwind tour of HTTP methods! From the common GET and POST to the less-known HEAD and OPTIONS, these methods are the secret sauce that makes the web work. Understanding them is key to building efficient, well-designed web applications and APIs.

Remember, each method has its own superpower, whether it's safely fetching data or efficiently updating resources. By choosing the right method for each task, you're not just following best practices – you're speaking the language of the web fluently.

So next time you click a button or submit a form online, you'll know exactly what's happening behind the scenes.

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