How Can JSON Comments Enhance the Request Body?


Shreya Srivastava


Nov 22, 2023

Nov 22, 2023

JSON Comments
JSON Comments
JSON Comments


To simplify testing and documenting your APIs with, we're excited to share that you can now include JSON comments directly in the HTTP request body.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is widely used for API communication because of its simplicity and readability. However, JSON doesn't support comments, making it challenging to add explanatory notes. This blog explores how to effectively add comments to JSON request bodies for Qodex, and how it can improve the clarity and maintainability of your API requests.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

Understanding JSON Comments:

In the world of JSON (a way of organizing data), comments are like sticky notes you can attach to your information. These notes don't change how the information functions, but they're there to help you and others understand what's going on.

JSON Comments

Even though regular JSON doesn't officially allow comments, some tools, like, and Postman; now let you add these notes. It's a bit like writing explanations on your data, making it clearer for you and other people who might be using or working on the same information.

So, JSON comments are like little messages that don't affect how your data works but make it much easier to figure out and work with. They're like handy reminders or explanations to make things simpler for everyone involved!

To simplify testing and documenting your APIs with, we're excited to share that you can now include JSON comments directly in the HTTP request body.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is widely used for API communication because of its simplicity and readability. However, JSON doesn't support comments, making it challenging to add explanatory notes. This blog explores how to effectively add comments to JSON request bodies for Qodex, and how it can improve the clarity and maintainability of your API requests.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

Understanding JSON Comments:

In the world of JSON (a way of organizing data), comments are like sticky notes you can attach to your information. These notes don't change how the information functions, but they're there to help you and others understand what's going on.

JSON Comments

Even though regular JSON doesn't officially allow comments, some tools, like, and Postman; now let you add these notes. It's a bit like writing explanations on your data, making it clearer for you and other people who might be using or working on the same information.

So, JSON comments are like little messages that don't affect how your data works but make it much easier to figure out and work with. They're like handy reminders or explanations to make things simpler for everyone involved!

The Importance of Comments in JSON

Comments in code and configuration files serve several crucial purposes:

  1. Clarity: Comments provide context and explanations for specific fields or values, making the JSON easier to understand.

  2. Documentation: They describe the purpose and usage of different parts of the JSON structure.

  3. Debugging: Comments can be used to temporarily disable parts of the JSON without deleting them.

How to Add Comments to JSON

Although JSON does not natively support comments, you can add them using a couple of simple techniques:

  1. Using Descriptive Fields: Add fields specifically for comments.

  2. Preprocessing: Use a tool to strip out comments before processing the JSON.

    How to Add Comments to JSON

  1. Using Descriptive Fields

    One common method is to use a specially named field, such as _comment, to add comments. These fields should be recognized and ignored by the server or client processing the JSON.



    "_comment": "This request is for creating a new user in the system",

    "user": {

    "name": "John Doe",

    "email": "",

    "_comment": "Password must be at least 8 characters long",

    "password": "securepassword"



  2. Preprocessing

    Another approach is to use a tool that strips out comments from JSON before it's processed. This allows you to write comments more naturally.



    // This request is for creating a new user in the system

    "user": {

    "name": "John Doe",

    "email": "",

    // Password must be at least 8 characters long

    "password": "securepassword"


    Using a tool to preprocess this JSON can strip out the comments, making it valid JSON for

  3. Benefits of JSON Comments

    • Improved Readability:

      Comments can provide context and explanations for various parts of the request body, making it easier to understand.

    • Easier Maintenance:

      With comments, maintaining and updating JSON request bodies becomes simpler, especially for teams. Comments can explain the rationale behind certain values or structures.

    • Better Debugging:

      During development, comments can be used to annotate parts of the JSON that may need special attention or are under investigation for issues.

    • Enhanced Collaboration:

      In collaborative environments, comments can convey important information to other team members, improving overall communication and reducing misunderstandings.

      Benefits of JSON Comments

Comments in code and configuration files serve several crucial purposes:

  1. Clarity: Comments provide context and explanations for specific fields or values, making the JSON easier to understand.

  2. Documentation: They describe the purpose and usage of different parts of the JSON structure.

  3. Debugging: Comments can be used to temporarily disable parts of the JSON without deleting them.

How to Add Comments to JSON

Although JSON does not natively support comments, you can add them using a couple of simple techniques:

  1. Using Descriptive Fields: Add fields specifically for comments.

  2. Preprocessing: Use a tool to strip out comments before processing the JSON.

    How to Add Comments to JSON

  1. Using Descriptive Fields

    One common method is to use a specially named field, such as _comment, to add comments. These fields should be recognized and ignored by the server or client processing the JSON.



    "_comment": "This request is for creating a new user in the system",

    "user": {

    "name": "John Doe",

    "email": "",

    "_comment": "Password must be at least 8 characters long",

    "password": "securepassword"



  2. Preprocessing

    Another approach is to use a tool that strips out comments from JSON before it's processed. This allows you to write comments more naturally.



    // This request is for creating a new user in the system

    "user": {

    "name": "John Doe",

    "email": "",

    // Password must be at least 8 characters long

    "password": "securepassword"


    Using a tool to preprocess this JSON can strip out the comments, making it valid JSON for

  3. Benefits of JSON Comments

    • Improved Readability:

      Comments can provide context and explanations for various parts of the request body, making it easier to understand.

    • Easier Maintenance:

      With comments, maintaining and updating JSON request bodies becomes simpler, especially for teams. Comments can explain the rationale behind certain values or structures.

    • Better Debugging:

      During development, comments can be used to annotate parts of the JSON that may need special attention or are under investigation for issues.

    • Enhanced Collaboration:

      In collaborative environments, comments can convey important information to other team members, improving overall communication and reducing misunderstandings.

      Benefits of JSON Comments

Ship bug-free software, 200% faster, in 20% testing budget. No coding required

Ship bug-free software, 200% faster, in 20% testing budget. No coding required

Ship bug-free software, 200% faster, in 20% testing budget. No coding required

Validating JSON Schemas

Validating JSON schemas is an essential part of working with JSON. A JSON schema defines the structure of JSON data, specifying what fields are required, their types, and any other constraints. This helps ensure that the JSON data is valid and meets the expected format.

Validating JSON Schemas
  1. Creating a JSON Schema
    To create a JSON schema, you define the structure of your JSON data using a specific format. Example of a JSON schema:


    "type": "object",

    "properties": {

    "user": {

    "type": "object",

    "properties": {

    "name": { "type": "string" },

    "email": { "type": "string", "format": "email" },

    "password": { "type": "string", "minLength": 8 }


    "required": ["name", "email", "password"]




    In this schema, we define an object with a user property, which is also an object. The user object has three properties: name, email, and password. The schema specifies that these properties must be strings, and the email must be in email format. The password must be at least 8 characters long.

  2. Generating JSON Schema from JSON
    Generating a JSON schema from existing JSON data can be automated using various tools. These tools analyze the JSON data and generate a schema that describes its structure. This is useful when you have complex JSON data and want to create a schema to validate it.
    Example tools: A web-based tool for generating JSON schemas.JSON Schema Generator: A command-line tool that generates JSON schemas from JSON data.

  3. Validating JSON Schema
    Once you have a JSON schema, you can use it to validate JSON data. This ensures that the data conforms to the expected structure. Many libraries and tools can help with JSON schema validation.
    Example libraries:

    • Ajv: A fast JSON schema validator for JavaScript.

    • JSON schema: A Python library for validating JSON schemas.
      Example validation:

    const Ajv = require("ajv");

    const ajv = new Ajv();

    const schema = {

    type: "object",

    properties: {

    user: {

    type: "object",

    properties: {

    name: { type: "string" },

    email: { type: "string", format: "email" },

    password: { type: "string", minLength: 8 }


    required: ["name", "email", "password"]




    const data = {

    user: {

    name: "John Doe",

    email: "",

    password: "securepassword"



    const valid = ajv.validate(schema, data);

    if (valid) {

    console.log("Valid data!");

    } else {

    console.log("Invalid data:", ajv.errors);


Incorporating Comments in Workflows

When using JSON comments in Qodex, consider the following best practices:

  1. Standardize Comment Fields: If using fields like _comment, ensure your team follows a consistent naming convention.

  2. Preprocessing in CI/CD Pipelines: Incorporate preprocessing tools in your CI/CD pipelines to strip comments before sending JSON to

  3. Documentation: Document the use of comments in your project’s guidelines to ensure all team members are aware of how and when to use them.

Validating JSON schemas is an essential part of working with JSON. A JSON schema defines the structure of JSON data, specifying what fields are required, their types, and any other constraints. This helps ensure that the JSON data is valid and meets the expected format.

Validating JSON Schemas
  1. Creating a JSON Schema
    To create a JSON schema, you define the structure of your JSON data using a specific format. Example of a JSON schema:


    "type": "object",

    "properties": {

    "user": {

    "type": "object",

    "properties": {

    "name": { "type": "string" },

    "email": { "type": "string", "format": "email" },

    "password": { "type": "string", "minLength": 8 }


    "required": ["name", "email", "password"]




    In this schema, we define an object with a user property, which is also an object. The user object has three properties: name, email, and password. The schema specifies that these properties must be strings, and the email must be in email format. The password must be at least 8 characters long.

  2. Generating JSON Schema from JSON
    Generating a JSON schema from existing JSON data can be automated using various tools. These tools analyze the JSON data and generate a schema that describes its structure. This is useful when you have complex JSON data and want to create a schema to validate it.
    Example tools: A web-based tool for generating JSON schemas.JSON Schema Generator: A command-line tool that generates JSON schemas from JSON data.

  3. Validating JSON Schema
    Once you have a JSON schema, you can use it to validate JSON data. This ensures that the data conforms to the expected structure. Many libraries and tools can help with JSON schema validation.
    Example libraries:

    • Ajv: A fast JSON schema validator for JavaScript.

    • JSON schema: A Python library for validating JSON schemas.
      Example validation:

    const Ajv = require("ajv");

    const ajv = new Ajv();

    const schema = {

    type: "object",

    properties: {

    user: {

    type: "object",

    properties: {

    name: { type: "string" },

    email: { type: "string", format: "email" },

    password: { type: "string", minLength: 8 }


    required: ["name", "email", "password"]




    const data = {

    user: {

    name: "John Doe",

    email: "",

    password: "securepassword"



    const valid = ajv.validate(schema, data);

    if (valid) {

    console.log("Valid data!");

    } else {

    console.log("Invalid data:", ajv.errors);


Incorporating Comments in Workflows

When using JSON comments in Qodex, consider the following best practices:

  1. Standardize Comment Fields: If using fields like _comment, ensure your team follows a consistent naming convention.

  2. Preprocessing in CI/CD Pipelines: Incorporate preprocessing tools in your CI/CD pipelines to strip comments before sending JSON to

  3. Documentation: Document the use of comments in your project’s guidelines to ensure all team members are aware of how and when to use them.

API Testing Toolkit

To efficiently test your APIs, it's crucial to develop a comprehensive toolkit that includes various testing tools and techniques. This toolkit can help ensure that the APIs are reliable, secure, and performant.

  1. Free API for Testing
    Using free APIs for testing purposes can be highly beneficial. These APIs allow you to practice and refine your testing skills without worrying about costs.
    Examples of free APIs include:

    • A free online REST API for testing and prototyping.

    • A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests.

  2. Talend API Tester
    Talend API Tester is a free and easy-to-use tool for testing REST APIs. It offers a range of features, including:

    • Creating and sending HTTP requests.

    • Validating responses.

    • Organizing requests into projects.

  3. Postman API Testing
    Postman is a popular API testing tool that offers a comprehensive set of features for testing, documenting, and monitoring APIs.
    Key features include:

    • Creating and sending HTTP requests.

    • Automating API tests.

    • Generating API documentation.

    • Monitoring API performance.

  4. API Automation Testing
    Automating API tests can significantly improve testing efficiency and coverage. Tools like, Postman, and Talend API Tester support automation, allowing you to create test scripts and run them automatically.

    API Testing Toolkit

To efficiently test your APIs, it's crucial to develop a comprehensive toolkit that includes various testing tools and techniques. This toolkit can help ensure that the APIs are reliable, secure, and performant.

  1. Free API for Testing
    Using free APIs for testing purposes can be highly beneficial. These APIs allow you to practice and refine your testing skills without worrying about costs.
    Examples of free APIs include:

    • A free online REST API for testing and prototyping.

    • A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests.

  2. Talend API Tester
    Talend API Tester is a free and easy-to-use tool for testing REST APIs. It offers a range of features, including:

    • Creating and sending HTTP requests.

    • Validating responses.

    • Organizing requests into projects.

  3. Postman API Testing
    Postman is a popular API testing tool that offers a comprehensive set of features for testing, documenting, and monitoring APIs.
    Key features include:

    • Creating and sending HTTP requests.

    • Automating API tests.

    • Generating API documentation.

    • Monitoring API performance.

  4. API Automation Testing
    Automating API tests can significantly improve testing efficiency and coverage. Tools like, Postman, and Talend API Tester support automation, allowing you to create test scripts and run them automatically.

    API Testing Toolkit

Test Cases for API Security Testing

Ensuring the security of your APIs is crucial. Here are some test cases for API security testing:

  1. Authentication and Authorization

    • Verify that only authenticated users can access the API.

    • Check if users have the correct authorization levels for specific endpoints.

  2. Data Encryption

    • Ensure that sensitive data is encrypted in transit and at rest.

  3. Rate Limiting

    • Verify that the API enforces rate limits to prevent abuse.

  4. Input Validation

    • Check that the API validates input data to prevent injection attacks.

  5. Error Handling

    • Ensure that the API handles errors gracefully and does not expose sensitive information.

  6. CORS Configuration

    • Verify that Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is configured correctly to prevent unauthorized access.

  7. Session Management

    • Check that sessions are managed securely, with appropriate timeouts and regeneration of session tokens.

  8. API Key Management

    • Ensure that API keys are managed securely and not exposed in client-side code.

Ensuring the security of your APIs is crucial. Here are some test cases for API security testing:

  1. Authentication and Authorization

    • Verify that only authenticated users can access the API.

    • Check if users have the correct authorization levels for specific endpoints.

  2. Data Encryption

    • Ensure that sensitive data is encrypted in transit and at rest.

  3. Rate Limiting

    • Verify that the API enforces rate limits to prevent abuse.

  4. Input Validation

    • Check that the API validates input data to prevent injection attacks.

  5. Error Handling

    • Ensure that the API handles errors gracefully and does not expose sensitive information.

  6. CORS Configuration

    • Verify that Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is configured correctly to prevent unauthorized access.

  7. Session Management

    • Check that sessions are managed securely, with appropriate timeouts and regeneration of session tokens.

  8. API Key Management

    • Ensure that API keys are managed securely and not exposed in client-side code.


Enhancing request bodies with JSON comments can significantly improve the clarity, maintainability, and debuggability of the API requests. Although JSON does not natively support comments, using descriptive fields or preprocessing tools can effectively add comments to the JSON.

In addition, validating JSON schemas is essential for ensuring the structure and integrity of the JSON data. Creating and generating JSON schemas, as well as validating them, helps maintain the consistency and reliability of the API data.

Let's explore how you can establish a comprehensive test infrastructure with

With Qodex, you have an AI co-pilot Software Test Engineer at your service. Our autonomous AI Agent assists software development teams in conducting end-to-end testing for both frontend and backend services. This support enables teams to accelerate their release cycles by up to 2 times while reducing their QA budget by one-third.

Enhancing request bodies with JSON comments can significantly improve the clarity, maintainability, and debuggability of the API requests. Although JSON does not natively support comments, using descriptive fields or preprocessing tools can effectively add comments to the JSON.

In addition, validating JSON schemas is essential for ensuring the structure and integrity of the JSON data. Creating and generating JSON schemas, as well as validating them, helps maintain the consistency and reliability of the API data.

Let's explore how you can establish a comprehensive test infrastructure with

With Qodex, you have an AI co-pilot Software Test Engineer at your service. Our autonomous AI Agent assists software development teams in conducting end-to-end testing for both frontend and backend services. This support enables teams to accelerate their release cycles by up to 2 times while reducing their QA budget by one-third.

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